Eastchurch Gap Cliff Erosion On The Isle Of Sheppey. Kent. www.eastchurchgap.blogspot.co.uk/

Eastchurch Gap Cliff Erosion On The Isle Of Sheppey. Kent. www.eastchurchgap.blogspot.co.uk/
Original work started Weds 6th April 2016

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Well to be fair if you look at the two video's it tells all.

Regards Peter


It's been a while since I have reported here. I have not been been down onto the beach to inspect the cliff from the seashore which always give a true picture of how things are going. The erosion of course is still taking place but looking over from the cliff top it does seem that the matting which was laid down has worked in a few places but the situation is far from certain and the future does not look good in the long term. I understand a few other ideas have also been put forward to the Council but as ever things progress on that score so slow that the erosion process is always faster than the Council... I will try before too long to get down onto our beach and take a few pictures as it will be interesting to compare the new images with those taken before.