Which Will Tell You Whats Been Going On...
This site shows how we are getting on - please keep looking daily for updates... Also remember to look back at the OLDER. POSTS which is at the bottom of each page they will cover many question you may have. Goes back to January 2015...
Eastchurch Gap Cliff Erosion On The Isle Of Sheppey. Kent. www.eastchurchgap.blogspot.co.uk/
Friday, 27 February 2015
Hi Folks - A Result.- Click on the below Video
Which Will Tell You Whats Been Going On...
Which Will Tell You Whats Been Going On...
Swale Borough Council - Thanks
Swale Council came to the rescue quickly. They were informed people were getting near the cliff edge to "have a look". Children & adults alike were doing this and it was becoming a rapid safety issue which could not be ignored anymore.Swale Council promptly paid for the fence and a contractor to do the installation today - in time for the caravan sites opening this weekend.
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Environmental Agency
Sent the Environmental Agency the link to the blog.
Got a reply back - more the merrier...
Dear Peter,
Thank you for sending a link to your blog.
I have passed your email to our customer team for the relevant area.
If our teams need any further information they will contact you directly.
Warm regards
Aimee Reed
Customer Service Adviser
Contact Centre Services
( Tel: 03708 506 506
: Web Site: www.gov.uk/environment-agency
Got a reply back - more the merrier...
Dear Peter,
Thank you for sending a link to your blog.
I have passed your email to our customer team for the relevant area.
If our teams need any further information they will contact you directly.
Warm regards
Aimee Reed
Customer Service Adviser
Contact Centre Services
( Tel: 03708 506 506
: Web Site: www.gov.uk/environment-agency
Sunday, 22 February 2015
Saturday, 21 February 2015
Vehicle Tyres - Put To Good Use.
Once the tyre's are placed on the upper beach they are covered with beach stones which prevents movement and locks them up ensuring beach nourishment and the shape of the tyre helps prevent longshore drift thus ensuring the upper beach is preserved....
Tyre's can also be stacked as shown in the first picture which removes the need to tie them together with wire...
Only an idea - tyre's are a real landfill problem - could this be an answer!...
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
Agenda and draft minutes Swale Rural Forum Tuesday, 10th February, 2015 7.00 pm
I would like to inform residents that Richard Palmer (UKIP) raised concerns on our behalf regarding a council planning application which was detrimental to our situation. Here are the minutes of that meeting... Regards Peter Bruce.
Councillor Lesley Ingham advised that there was a meeting about cliff erosion on 17 February 2015 with the Chief Executive of Swale Borough Council (SBC), the Leader of the Council and also Borough Councillors. Councillor Gerry Lewin explained that the Local Plan had been consulted upon previously; this had been a final consultation for the inspector. Mr Palmer’s concerns could be taken to the meeting on 17 February.
Public Session
During public session, members of the public living in the Borough of Swale may make a statement, submit a petition, or ask the Chairman any question on any matter on which the Council has powers or duties, in respect of rural matters.
Questions or statements shall be read at the meeting and shall not last more than three minutes. An answer from the Chairman may take the form of a direct oral answer or be in writing. Questions submitted to the Democratic Services section in writing (including email) at least three days before the meeting will be taken first.
The Chairman welcomed the nine members of the public in attendance.
Mr Palmer, (UKIP), Newington, raised concern with cliff erosion at Eastchurch. He explained that some residents were notified at the ‘eleventh hour’ that they could have submitted their comments into the Local Plan consultation, which resulted in their comments not being included.
Monday, 16 February 2015
Swale Council Meeting 17th Feb
I understand there is a closed council meeting on the 17th where the Eastchurch Gap residents problems will be discussed - This is a positive result and when we are informed of any progress we will let you know - so keep looking at this blog.
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Positive Result - Groyne Wood Theft
Hi all.
We all have to say “thank you” to Swale
Council – I was informed today (11th) the council have been able to confirm that they
are responsible for the foreshore which includes the 4 groynes here at
Eastchurch Gap.
I have been told the wood from the groynes cannot be
touched or interfered with in any way and that the police have been instructed
to take action if this crime is committed again by the same 2 people who are
apparently making garden furniture out of the
Residents must continue to be vigilant and inform the
police if they see any more of the wooden groynes being loaded from our beach
into a blue Ford KA:- Get a picture if you can...
Please ensure you have seen the "almost" black looking wood section before you contact the police quoting
the police incident report number 03-0911.
Monday, 9 February 2015
Please phone 999 if you see the two persons removing whats left of our groynes (breakwaters) from our beach I know there's not much there now but it is ILLEGAL to remove them. The police case number to quote is.
( Police Incident Report No:- 03-0911).
By that time Swale Council may just agree stealing them is illegal...
( Police Incident Report No:- 03-0911).
The police have been trying hard to communicate with Swale Council employees but the Council have not returned with any answers yet...
In the meantime the thieves keep coming back taking more wood...
In the meantime the thieves keep coming back taking more wood...
Truly Amazing They Can Do This..
After our beach has been cleared of the wooden groynes we will ask the thieves to start removing the Sheerness and Minster groynes.By that time Swale Council may just agree stealing them is illegal...
Sunday, 8 February 2015
Latest Letter Ref Blog Site
Hi all.
Please have a look at this Blog site and save it in your browsers favourite folder so you
can visit it regularly. The site has been created to act as an up to date
central point of reference which I will try to keep up to date for us
Please be aware that Malcolm and Jenny
Newell are still the main contact point for any issues or help so if you would
like to get involved please step forward when the time for help is
If you would like to add any comments yourself to the
blog site as time goes on you will need to send me your email details so I can
register you.
You will need to use your name or house name in any posts
you make – this ensures the comments posted onto the blog are genuine and from
local people and so we do not become “spammed”
from worldwide.
do not have to register to see the site - anyone can visit this
Updates will be posted to keep residence aware of the
progress made by Swale Council together with our MP and others who come to our
communities aid with help and support from wherever it
Unfortunately at this moment in time after two
residence meetings we have only lip service and no further updates for anyone
however I hope this will shortly change –
watch this blog
Initially the site will seem a bit “negative” in its
approach however as things develop and we gain support we will clearly name
where that support comes from so you can register your vote during the next
Remember “ we will help them who help us ”.
Could I ask recipients of this email to pass on the
blog details to any other residence locally so it is used as a way of keeping
So here it is – keep it safe – it’s
Regards Peter Bruce Seascape.
To all Residents:- First Ave, Third Ave, Surf Crescent, Dawn Rise, Sunset Close.
Most will know we need to raise support for our
community so our MP and councillors will do something about the dilemma we all face
here with the cliff erosion. I have been around to see some of you but I hope
you will forgive the fact I have not been able to call on you all however
enough should now know another person out there and word should have got around
so speak to your neighbours - this event affects many of us. PHONE US TO FIND
this letter for contact info).
We need letters sent to or MP and Councillors from each
address in our community to make an impact so if you would be kind enough
to look at the below and send something in by post it would help...
To :-
Change as required) Gordon Henderson MP OR To Andrew Bowles Leader Of Swale
I am a
resident in Surf Crescent (Change as
Required) and I feel that our
community is being grossly overlooked as far as sea defences and coastal
erosion is concerned.
I notice
that the rest of the islands residential areas have some kind of sea defence or
protection in place and some of the areas concerned have been established a
relatively shorter time than our cliff community which has been here for many
I would
like to express my concern at the neglect we are suffering here.
communities main sewer and water pipes run in the road located by the cliff
edge at the intersection of Third Avenue and Surf Crescent - the services will shortly
be a victim of cliff erosion and go over the cliff thus making our community
uninhabitable and also forcing two caravan parks to close in the not too
distant future.
The lack
of insight into this predictable event from the Council and the Environment
Agency could make many of our homes uninhabitable in the near future.
I would
ask you as our ( MP OR Councillor) (Change as required) to help make our
situation understood to all concerned because Our situation is now grim and we
need everyone's help to get the funds to resolve the situation.
I await
your reply with interest...
PLEASE NOTE. The above is only a suggestion so
please change it about or do with it as you see fit. this is only to give you
an idea of what to do and not to lead you any way- your own words / views do
If you need any further help
please feel free to contact either Malcolm Newell Tel 880042 (Co-ordinator) Or
me Peter Bruce Seascape Tel 881307 and we will be happy to help you in any way
we can. (Keep our Tel numbers).
Addresses for your letter. YOU SHOULD GET A REPLY BACK FROM
Henderson MP. 1st Floor, Unit 10 Periwinkle Court Business Centre. Church
Regis. Sittingbourne. ME10 2JZ.
Andrew Bowles. Swale Council Leader. Swale House,
East Street, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 3HT.
understand only a few letters have been sent so far - unless we are all involved
and we can show how many residence are concerned and will be affected we could
end up with just lip service and nothing
being done.
Cliff Erosion 2009 Video
Aerial video showing the erosion back in late Oct 2009. ( 5 Yrs)
Better Beach Times - Before Our Wooden Groynes Were Taken...
Yes - People Do Swim On Our Beach - Do We Want To Lose This...
Better Beach Times - Before Our Wooden Groynes Were Taken...
Yes - People Do Swim On Our Beach - Do We Want To Lose This...
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