Eastchurch Gap Cliff Erosion On The Isle Of Sheppey. Kent. www.eastchurchgap.blogspot.co.uk/

Eastchurch Gap Cliff Erosion On The Isle Of Sheppey. Kent. www.eastchurchgap.blogspot.co.uk/
Original work started Weds 6th April 2016

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Update from the cliff...

1 comment:

  1. It's a shame the lower cliff at the beach has eroded still further and I was informed that some of the wood from the groynes is being removed yet again even though the council said they would prosecute anybody removing the wood which officially is council property.
    Plants on the upper levels of the cliff have benefited from the netting and there is fairly good growth together with the extensively planted Willow wips that have taken root and are sprouting green leaves to help soak up the moisture in the cliff. If remedial work could be done to secure the matting used where it has become adrift this would be a great help to secure the future plant life.
    Let's see what happens in the next few months...


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